SlideToRemove List Plugin (Sencha Touch 2)

What is it?

SlideToRemove is a simple plugin for Sencha Touch 2 that adds the ability to swipe list items to remove them upon confirmation, very similiar to the native iOS controls seen on iPhones/iPads.

How does it work?

This plugin file should be loaded (either manually or via Ext.Loader) and then set as a plugin on a list, as you would any other Sencha Touch plugins. It takes two optional configuration properties, and that is as follows:
removeText: The button text to display on the remove button that is displayed after swipe (default: Delete)
buttonWidth: The width of the delete button, relative to the width of the list item (default: 25%)

Advanced button configuration can be easily handled by editing the plugin itself, simply change button properties when Ext.create is used.

Users can swipe the list item to the left to show the remove button, and back to the right to cancel and display the list item again. Tapping the remove button will remove the record from the list's store. When the list is hidden it will automatically close all open remove buttons, or the closeDeletes method can be called manually.


Where do I get it?

You can view and contribute through GitHub.

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